Update Committee Members
The Update Committee meets at 2:00 PM the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Ginger Jabour - Committee Chair / Managing Editor
Jeanne Dunaway - Assistant Editor
Bonnie McKenney - Assistant Editor
Karen Varner - Assistant Editor
Mark Varner - Assistant Editor
Maureen Reynolds - Advertising
John Hopkins - Photo Editor
Brandon Hoffman - Graphic Design
POA Board Members for the Update Committee
Update Magazine
Update Editorial and photo submissions:
DEADLINE FOR SC UPDATE ADVERTISING ONLY is the 5th of the month for publishing in the next month’s issue. If the 5th falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the regular BUSINESS DAY PRIOR to the 5th of the month. There will be NO GUARANTEE of publication if the ad is received late.
Questions about ad guidelines, technical specs, and submissions should be directed to the advertising manager at update@scpoa.com or 386-304-9369. Please review ad design and sizing specs or download from www.scpoa.com.
Current ad forms are available from the POA office. Call 386-760-5884, fax 386-761-7808, or email update@scpoa.com. Ad form with payment must be received by the POA office prior to the deadline. Ads will be accepted on a prepaid basis only.
DEADLINE FOR SC UPDATE ARTICLES AND PHOTO SUBMISSIONS is the 1st of the month for publishing in the next month’s issue. If the 1st falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the regular BUSINESS DAY PRIOR to the 1st of the month. There will be NO GUARANTEE of publication if the contribution is received late.
Please email submissions as a Word attachment to scupdateeditor@gmail.com. Digital photos as JPGs preferred. Note that photos will require 300 PPI for publishing. Please submit graphics and photos for articles separately.
All articles and photographs submitted to the Spruce Creek Fly-In Update are subject to editing by the Update staff for clarity or word count and to meet the Update’s journalistic standards.
Submitters agree that the editor’s decisions are final.
Ad Pricing - Effective April 2023
- ADvantage Card (3.25 x 1.75): $40 (3 month minimum)
- 1/4 page (4.417 x 4.75): $115
- 1/2 page horizontal (6.75 x 4.75): $200
- Full Page (8.125 x 10.75): $300
- Inside Covers (8.125 x 10.75): $350
- Back Cover (8.125 x 10.75): $410