We are excited to introduce a fast, easy, and secure way for you to pay your POA dues and other charges online through our new provider, ClickPay. Through this new platform, you can make automatic recurring or one-time payments online with American Express or any other major credit or debit card for a fee or by e-check (ACH) from a bank account for free. As the new and preferred way of accepting payments, we invite you to get started by clicking the activation link emailed to you or by creating your account below.
- Click Register and then create your online profile with ClickPay
- Connect Your Lot / Unit Number using your street address and zip code
- Set up Automatic Payments or click Pay Now to make one-time payments

For help with your account, visit ClickPay's support center at for access to FAQ's, step-by-step walkthroughs, email and phone support, and live chat.
The mailing address for accepting payments made by paper check, money order, and Online Bill
Pay has changed. If you pay by check or money order, please mail your payments to the address below moving forward. If you pay through your bank’s Online Bill Pay feature, please log in to your online banking account and update the payee’s address as listed below:
P.O. Box 21128
P.O. Box 21128
Tampa, FL 33622
Checks should continue to be made payable to the the SCPOA name listed on your statement. Include the remittance slip with your payments and make sure to include your address and lot/unit number in the notes section of your check or your Online Bill Pay settings.
Thank you for your attention to this matter,
Spruce Creek Property Owners' Association