Important Info
POA Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Closed for Lunch from 12:30 to 1:30 PM
Phone: 386-760-5884
Fax: 386-761-7808

Gate Hours

North Gate (Main Gate)
Open 24 hours
Phone: 386-756-6125 

South Gate (Back Gate)
Mon. to Thurs. 5:45 to 10:45 PM
Friday 5:45 AM to 1 AM
Saturday 6:45 to 1 AM
Sunday 6:45 to 10:45 PM
Phone: 386-756-3719 

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Spruce Creek Drawings

This page contains links to drawings created by John Hamlin for the residents of Spruce Creek. All drawings can be downloaded, viewed, and printed with Adobe Reader. If Adobe Reader is currently not installed on your computer, click here to download Adobe Reader.

Most of the drawings herein were created from high resolution, high altitude aerial photographs and as such have a level of accuracy inherent to that media. The author however, does not claim, nor wish to imply a level of accuracy found in surveyed maps or a level of accuracy suitable for flight operations.

SCPOA MAP FOR GUESTS AND VENDORS - ADDED JUNE 2021- This drawing provides a clear illustration, with names, of the roadways and taxiways within Spruce Creek. The illustration is especially useful to provide your guests with clear identification of areas to avoid, and which taxiways require commercial vehicles to have a security escort. Please always make sure your guests know to STAY CLEAR OF THE RUNWAY at all times! 

SPRUCE CREEK ROADWAYS AND TAXIWAYS - This drawing is an illustration, with names, of the roadways and taxiways within Spruce Creek. The illustration also shows golf fairways and community lakes.

SPRUCE CREEK ROADWAYS AND TAXIWAYS WITH GRID - This drawing is the "Spruce Creek Roadways and Taxiways" drawing with and overlaying grid to assist with coordinate location. This drawing is an illustration, with names, of the roadways and taxiways within Spruce Creek. The illustration also shows golf fairways and community lakes.

SPRUCE CREEK COMMUNITIES - UPDATE April 2018 - This drawing is an illustration, with names, of the roadways, taxiways, and communities within Spruce Creek. The illustration also shows golf fairways and community lakes.

SPRUCE CREEK COMMUNITIES WITH GRID - UPDATE December 2013 - This drawing contains an overlaying grid to assist with coordinate location in the community. The drawing is an illustration, with names, of the roadways, taxiways, and communities within Spruce Creek. The illustration also shows golf fairways and community lakes.

SPRUCE CREEK COMMON PROPERTY - LAKES - UPDATE April 2018 - This drawing is an illustration of the Spruce Creek Common Property Lakes with notes defining reference details.