Welcome to the Spruce Creek Property Owners' Association Web Site.
This website has been created to provide Spruce Creek residents and visitors with easy access to resources, information and important community updates. The navigation for the site has been broken down several primary categories to make it easy for you to find what you are looking for.
- Looking for news in the community? Check out the News link.
- Need to find a form fast? Quick Links will take you there.
- All you need to know about our airport, including important links can be found on the Airport pages.
- Trying to reach us? Click on the Contact link.
- Board Minutes and Bylaws can be found under the documents links.
- Need an RFID application or want to learn about the latest security notices? Then check out the Safety and Security pages.
- Want to volunteer your time or find out who serves on a particular committee? The Committees page is the place to go.
- And of course Update Magazine guidelines and the latest SC-TV listings can be found under the SC-TV / Update link.
POA Office Staff
The staff at the POA office is here to serve you. Our office hours appear to the right of this page and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
SCPOA General Manager
Maurice Kearns
SCPOA Director of Security
Chuck Fernandez
President– Jay Jabour
Vice President - Eileen Weingram
Secretary – Sue Lambert Larkin
Treasurer - Jim Clark
Director – Paul Damiano
Director - Paul Holmes
Director – Open (Term ends Feb 2026)
Send email to all board members and SCPOA Manager, click here.