Spruce Creek Airport (7FL6) Private

All flying activities at the Spruce Creek Airport are regulated by the FAA and by the recommended procedures published in the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). In addition, a limited number of local rules and procedures have been established to promote safety. By using the Spruce Creek Airport and facilities you indicate your acceptance of and agree to be bound by the terms of the Spruce Creek Airport Procedures and any subsequent amendments. 

Private use. Permission required prior to landing. Permission to use the airport is obtained from the Airport Manager or from a Resident invitation.

All visiting aircraft must register prior to arrival at this link:

Spruce Creek Airport NOTAMs


  • Non POA member training utilizing the Spruce Creek PRIVATE runway is absolutely forbidden
  • Pilots visiting any local business, such as the Fly In Café, must have a specific invitation from a resident and use visitor aircraft registration link above.
  • Intersection takeoffs are not authorized due to limited visibility and communications between ends of the runway, with the exception of helicopters.
  • Caution for helicopters at the Beech intersection. The rotorwash can extend out to the runway. If a helicopter is in the grassy parking area, delay your takeoff or landing until it has departed or shut down.
  • The Calm Wind Runway is 24, calm winds are less than 3 knots. This has been voted on by the POA Board and is now permanent.                                                                                                            
  • Please announce your position and intentions on CTAF.  Opposite direction takeoffs and landings are the greatest hazard to safety. It is vital for you to visually clear your own pathway while landing and departing due to NORDO aircraft. Radio reception between aircraft in the warm-up area at each end of the runway is poor. Use lights for takeoff and landing.
  • KDAB Class C airspace precludes a 45 degree downwind entry to Runway 6. Use a crosswind or upwind entry from the south at pattern altitude. 
  • There is a high volume of traffic in the pattern including jets, warbirds and many formation flights entering overhead break. A late turn downwind on Rwy 6 may put you in DAB airspace. A close in pattern is recommended as is a short final approach. Use the 45 to downwind for Runway 24--not an extended Downwind.
  • Straight-in traffic is discouraged during VMC conditions and does not have priority over traffic in pattern. However, Jet traffic should be yielded to by normal pattern traffic to prevent them from having to execute a full missed approach, and departing the pattern for another approach attempt. Please Exit the runway after landing ASAP.
  • CTAF is 122.725.
  • AWOS is 121.725.
  • Pattern Altitude is 1,025'MSL.
  • DO NOT land on the main taxiway marked with "Xs" and "TAXI".
  • Spruce Creek is a private airport. Visitors must have a resident invitation for permission to land. Non-resident flight training is not permitted.
  • Departing aircraft shall climb on runway heading to 500 feet AGL and beyond the departure end of the runway before making any turns and climb to the pattern altitude of 1000 ft as quickly as possible. Pilots shall use noise abatement climb procedures including after-takeoff power and prop speed reductions consistent with safe operating practices and techniques.


Airport Information Quick List

Airport Manager:  Jim Stone. 386-275-1894.
Airport Assistant Managers:  Jeff Rule, David Corwith

Telephone Airport Manager 386-275-1894
AFTER 1700 386-756-6125 (Security)
APCH CNTRL Daytona Beach 125.35 MHz (South) 125.8 MHz (North)
INST APCH 7FL6 RNAV RWY6 (Private, Resident Only)
CTAF 122.725 MHz
AWOS 121.725 MHz
FUEL 100LL & JET A Self serve. Truck delivery – Yellvington Aviation 386-257-7791. Call ahead to avoid delay.

Runway 6 / 24

Dimensions:  4000 x 175 ft.
Surface:  asphalt, excellent condition
Runway edge lights:  medium intensity. On dusk to dawn. 3 levels
Elevation:  25 ft.

Traffic pattern:  1025 ft. Left

Visual slope indicator:  2-light PAPI on left (3.00 degrees glide path)

Caution: Daytona Beach International Airport (KDAB) airspace above the pattern at 1200 ft MSL


Do NOT park at FBO sign. Parking limited

Guest/Visitor parking is available on the north side of Cessna Blvd. 8 tie-down spaces are marked by blue lines at the edge of Cessna Blvd. Call Airport Manager if guest parking is full.

Large aircraft with passengers must contact Airport Manager for permission and for parking spot assignment. Do not arrive without notice to Airport Manager.

Overnight Guests MUST register their aircraft by completing the Parking Form in the Drop Box near the 8 Guests tie-downs.

If guest parking is full, please use the center field grassy area near the midfield windsock.

Helicopter air taxi is not allowed on any taxiway without the approval of the airport manager. Fuel trucks are available to service helicopters at the helicopter pads.


Additional information